Z Sound North
Audio Production Specialists
71 Wetherbee Rd Lyman NH USA  03585
Serving Northern New England

live sound reinforcement services

Equipment List

Z Sound North is well-equipped to provide professional sound reinforcement in a wide variety of situations from small clubs to outdoor festivals, from a single keynote speaker to multiple electric bands. Our audio engineers are experienced in both speech and music applications, and our crew is lightning fast. We also pay special attention to our monitor mixes; up to 4 available w/ standard equipment. As system requirements vary widely from venue to venue, please e-mail us w/ info for a quote on YOUR show!

(Live recording also available)

Consoles & Preamps
Outboard Rack Gear
Mic List
Speakers & Amplifiers
Other Stuff
place your cursor over the links above and a list will appear here.
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